
>> Friday, January 23, 2009

When his college dreams are sidelined by family obligations, a young man (Wright) finds comfort in surfing with his best friend's brother (Rowe). Easily on par with Brokeback Mountain, but set in current day Central & Southern California, Shelter is a well-rounded story of long-time friends from different class structures, tied together by a love of surfing, and of each other. One of the few coming of age / coming out stories that puts the focus on the individuals as the driving force of the movie. then using several sub-plots, one being the coming out of the protagonist, to show that the love & obligations we have with our family, friends & community are never black & white, and that family isn't always what it seems to be. A superb movie, well acted by all, that both entertains & gives one pause to think about their own life, whether they be straight or gay. The film focuses on young gay boy's struggle with his sexuality and his difficult and complicated family life.

A film that can make you feel warm inside. It's not only about Zach coming to terms with his sexual orientation. It's about family, love and a shelter for yourself.


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